‘Kai Samra: Native’ (Pleasance Dome – 10Dome) | Review By Sam Eastop

Kai Samra’s ‘Native’ was my first time sitting to review a stand-up comedian in any capacity. In his intensely personal and reflective piece, Samra takes the audience on a journey through his roots, his Grandfather’s inspiring story, and his challenging, yet rewarding upbringing.

Samra starts off by saying the show is mainly about his Grandfather, who came to England from India via an unbelievably taxing journey and set up a life for his family in Birmingham. We see as the show progresses that Samra’s story weirdly, and worrying, mirrors his Grandfather’s quite closely; encountering similar, supposedly outdated, problems that his grandfather also dealt with decades before.

Samra’s show is very funny and he feels at home on stage. His delivery is charismatic and his use of a screen behind him to hit home some punchlines and utilise visual comedy is excellent. His show doesn’t hold any punches though. He goes into very succinct detail about the theatre/stand-up industry as a whole, while also pulling back the curtain on some dark and shady secrets about the fringe itself that you’re going to want to go and hear for yourself. This moment is admirable and a real highlight of the show, creating a break from the laughs to truly make the audience think.

Samra’s show highlights areas in society that need immediate change but doesn’t ask for it in an aggressive way. His approach is gentle and incredibly effective as he never lingers on the point too much or for too long. He merely lays bare the facts and asks the audience to see what lies, poorly veiled, before their eyes.

Samra’s show is strong but his delivery at times feels a little rushed as he stumbles over words occasionally. Some thought needs to go into diction and the show will be all the stronger for it.

Overall, Samra produces a very strong stand up show that is personal and inspiring, while also asking all the right questions of the audience. You might find yourself learning something too. As is his aim; if you get yourself along to the Pleasance Dome you’ll laugh, AND you’ll learn something.

Rating: 4 out of 5.

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